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Radio 101 - Who is covered by a GMRS License?

GMRS two way radios continue to grow in popularity, and more people than ever are new getting an FCC license to use them. But there are a few misconceptions about who is covered by it. Some people assume that a GMRS license covers only the individual named by the license. Others think it's limited to who is in your household. Which is correct?

In this episode of Radio 101, Tommy gives you the facts about who can apply for a GMRS license and exactly who is and isn't covered by it.

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2 thoughts on “Radio 101 - Who is covered by a GMRS License?”

  • Michael T Sheron
    Michael T Sheron December 26, 2023 at 8:30 am

    Tommy, how does the security team of a church get the team under a GMRS license to operate handheld GMRS rated radios for security purposes only on church grounds?

    • Tommy

      Hi Micheal, the FCC does not allow organizations to operate under one GMRS license anymore. However, if the church has a "grandfathered" GMRS license obtained before the rule was changed then they are an exception. We made another Radio 101 discussing "Grandfathered" GMRS Licenses which you can watch here: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/blog/2023/10/radio-101-what-is-a-grandfathered-gmrs-license.html

      If the church in question has a "grandfathered" license then they can operate GMRS radios under one license with no issue. If not, then they have 2 options:
      1. Make sure every person in the team has their own personal GMRS license
      2. Use FRS or Business Radios instead

      Hope this helps!


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